changing your MHTC Email Password

In a browser go to, on the main website page click Check MHTC E-mail.

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The above link will take you to the following:

Password requirements & recommendations:
Minimum requirements:

  • 6 characters in length
  • 1 digit (0 to 9)
  • 1 letter (A to z)
  • Password cannot be the same as your username or alias


  • 12-15 characters in length or greater
  • Mixture of digits, letters, and special characters

Self-management of email passwords:

In the upper right corner within Webmail click the “person”/Account button and select Settings

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When the Settings window opens, click Accounts.

From the Settings > Accounts tab, you will find options for managing your email password.

1) Alternate Email: We recommend to add alternate email as this will be the email address that a link can be sent to for the Forgot Password process. (green box below)

2) Change password: This button will allow you to self-manage your email password and change it at will.  (blue box below)

3) 2-Step Authentication: If you choose to do so, you can activate 2-Step Authentication (orange box below)

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Change Password Process:
Once you click on the the Change Password button, it will ask for your current/old password and request the new password:

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Forgot Password Process:

The Forgot Password options shows up on the login screen of Webmail:

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Click Forgot, then type in the security code that appears on the screen:

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You should see the following message and also receive an email at the alternate address you provided in the settings:

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From your email, click the link and it will allow the password to be reset:

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Enter the new password and click Save New Password.

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