Voice Support

This feature alerts you to a second incoming call when you are on the phone. A beep tone will sound every 10 seconds until you answer the call. The party calling hears only ringing.

If you hear a beep and want to end the first call , hang up. Your telephone will immediately ring with the second call.

If you want to put the first call on “hold” and answer the second call, press and release the receiver button or press the flash button. The first call will be put on “hold” and you will be connected to the second call.

To return to the first call, press and release the receiver button or press the flash button again. You can switch back and forth between the two calls as often as you want.

This feature allows you to temporarily cancel Call Waiting. When Call Waiting in cancelled, anyone that tries to call will receive a busy signal and no Call Waiting tone will interrupt your call.

With a touch tone phone, dial *70
Listen for three short tones, followed by a normal dial tone. Dial the telephone number.
Call Waiting has been cancelled for the duration of the call, Call Waiting is no longer cancelled once you hang up.

This feature allows you to forward your incoming calls to a pre-selected telephone number. (See notes under Call Forwarding-Variable)

With a touch tone phone, dial *72
With a touch tone phone, dial *73

This feature lets you transfer your incoming calls to any telephone you can direct-dial.

With a touch tone phone, dial *72. Wait approximately 5 seconds for dial tone, then dial the telephone number that will be accepting your calls. You will hear 2 short tones, then normal ringing. Call Forwarding is in effect when the other party answers. At this time, you can tell them they will be receiving your calls. If the line is busy, or there is no one to answer, hang up and repeat the first two steps. No answer is required to establish Call Forwarding the second time.

With a touch tone phone, dial *73
Notes: While your calls are being forwarded, your telephone will ring briefly each time your number is dialed. You cannot answer the calls, but the ring is a reminder that Call Forwarding is still in effect. If you forward calls outside your local calling area, you will be charged for any calls forwarded from your number to the distant number. While calls are being forwarded, you can still make outgoing calls.

This feature forwards your incoming calls to a pre-selected telephone number only when your telephone line is in use.

This feature acts like a second telephone line at your business or home. With Distinctive Ring, an additional telephone number is assigned on your existing telephone line. This additional telephone number has a special ringing pattern that is different than your current telephone number. This feature can be used with some equipment, such as fax machines that have Distinctive Ring capabilities.

This feature lets you add a third party to your existing conversation.
Three-Way Calling can be used whether you have received or have placed the first call.

Press and release the receiver button to put your call on “hold”. You will then hear three beeps followed by dial tone. Dial the third person’s number. You can talk before including the original caller. To begin the three-way call, press and release the receiver button. All three parties
will be on the line.
Notes: if the original party hangs up, you can add another third party by repeating steps, 1-3. To disconnect the third party, press the receiver button twice. You are then free to add a different third party by repeating steps 1-3. All parties are disconnected when you hang up.

This feature works like Three-Way Calling but allows you to transfer a call to another telephone number. The other two parties will not be disconnected when you hang up.

This feature allows you to view the telephone number or the name & telephone number of the person calling on your Caller ID unit or Caller ID enabled telephone.

Caller information will not be displayed if the person is calling from an area served by equipment not compatible with Caller ID; has per-line blocking or has initiated per-call blocking.

Your name and telephone number will be displayed whenever you call someone who subscribes to Caller ID, even if you have a non-listed or non-published telephone number. If you do not want your name and telephone number displayed when you call others that subscribed to
Caller ID, prior to making the call, dial *67.
You must repeat this procedure for each call that you want your name and telephone number blocked from Caller ID. Per-Call Blocking is free of charge to all customers. YOU DO NOT NEED TO ORDER THIS SERVICE.

Per-line Blocking will prevent your name and telephone number from being displayed to Called ID subscribers for every call made from your telephone line.
Per-Line Blocking is available upon written request to the following: victims of domestic abuse, law enforcement agencies, fire departments, social service agencies and similar organizations.

Anonymous Call Rejection allows you to reject calls that come from a party that blocks their telephone number. All these callers are notified with a recording that their call is not being accepted.

Dial *68 and listen for prompts.

Dial *88

Automatic Recall returns the last incoming call by dialing the proper code. If the line is busy, Automatic Recall will monitor the line until both the telephone number called and your line are free. You will be notified with a ring tone when the other party is available.

Dial *69

Repeat Dialing automatically monitors a busy telephone number for 30 minutes. When the called telephone number is available, Repeat Dialing will notify you and then dial this telephone number.

Dial *66

Dial *86

Customer Originated Trace allows a customer that receives obscene, threatening or harassing telephone calls to automatically request a trace of the last answered call. The results of the trace are then provided to the proper authorized agency. The customer would then contact the proper agency to determine if further action is required.

Dial *57 and listen for prompts.

Priority Ringing allows you to program a list of telephone numbers that will have a distinctive ringing pattern. When you hear the distinctive pattern, you are alerted that it is a priority call. All other calls will have a normal ringing pattern.

Dial *61 and listen for prompts.

Selective Call Rejection allows you to program a list of telephone numbers that you will not accept calls from. When a party on the call rejection list dials your telephone number, they receive a message that you are not accepting calls.

Dial *60 and listen for prompts.

Selective Call Acceptance allows you to designate a list of telephone numbers that you will accept calls from. All other callers are notified that you are not accepting calls.

Dial *64 and listen for prompts.

Selective Call Forwarding allows you to program a list of telephone numbers that will automatically be forwarded to a telephone number you designate. All other calls will be iterminated normally.

Dial *63 and listen for prompts.

Simple • Convenient • Reliable


The voicemail system is menu driven. Listen to the
voice prompts and then press the keys on your phone
to select which option you would like.

Recording your new Voicemail greeting:

  • Dial #86 or 437-6600 and enter PIN. Follow prompts on voicemail for first time setup.
  • Change your PIN (minimum 4 numbers and maximum 10).
  • Continue to follow prompts for recording your message, etc.


The first time you access your voicemail box you will
be asked to set up your mailbox, and record your name
and a greeting to be played by callers. When you pick
up your phone you will hear a stutter dial tone when
you have one or more unheard voice messages waiting.

    Dial #86 or dial the voicemail access number.
    In Dodgeville dial 608-930-6600
    In Mount Horeb/Blue Mounds dial 608-437-6600
  • Enter your voicemail PIN.
  • If you have new messages, they will be identified.
  • After hearing any new messages, you will be
    presented with the Voicemail Main Menu (below).


  • Dial the voicemail access number.
    In Dodgeville dial 608-930-6600
    In Mount Horeb/Blue Mounds dial 608-437-6600
  • When prompted, enter your 10 digit number.
  • When prompted, enter your voicemail PIN + #.
  • If you have new messages, they will be identified.
  • After hearing any new messages, you will be presented with the Voicemail Main Menu (below).


Play Inbox Messages 1
Send Messages 2
Work with Greetings 3
Mail Box Settings 4
Access Deleted Messages 6
Log on a a different user 7
Help 0
Exit Voicemail System 0

While listening to your voicemail messages,
the following options are available:

Skip Message # (skips header, goes to message body) # (skip to next message) N/A
Reply to Message N/A 4 4
Save Message and go to next N/A 2 2
Delete N/A 3 3
Play Inbox Messages 1 N/A N/A
Send Messages N/A 5
Work with Greetings 3 (from main menu) N/A N/A
Mailbox Settings (from main menu) N/A N/A
Access Deleted Messages 6 (from main menu) N/A After playing a deleted message, 2 to save, 3 to permanently erase
Log on as a different user 7 (from main menu) N/A N/A
Help 0 0 0
Return to Main Menu, Exit Voicemail System * (repeatedly, depending on how deep you are in the menu) * *
Increase volume N/A 6 N/A
Slow playback N/A 7 N/A
Pause playback (at other times, pauses activity for 30 secs) N/A 8 N/A
Speed playback N/A 9 N/A
Skip back 5 secs N/A 77 N/A
Skip forward 5 secs N/A 99 N/A


Using web interface (MHTC CommPortal):

  • Go to www.mhtc.net and click on MHTC CommPortal Icon (located towards bottom of page)
  • Enter your ten digit telephone number. (Contact MHTC @ 437-5551 or 930-9985 for password)
  • Click on settings to change account password.
  • Within the CommPortal Interface – click on Settings (located in dark blue bar)
  • Click on the tab Messages
  • Click on Add An Email Address  (a box will appear to type the email address into)
  • Click Apply  button (lower right corner)
  • If you would like to have the message to go to multiple emails – click Add An Email Address  again and repeat
  • Click Apply  button (lower right corner)
  • Login Anytime you like, using the main ten digit number and the password you chose above.
  • With this interface you will have control to: forward voicemails, listen to voicemails, change notification options, add additional call features to line, change your passwords, etc.

Forwarding Voicemail Messages to an Email Address:

  • Within the CommPortal Interface – click on Settings (located in dark blue bar)
  • Click on the tab Messages
  • Click on Add An Email Address  (a box will appear to type the email address into)
  • Click Apply  button (lower right corner)
  • If you would like to have the message to go to multiple emails – click Add An Email Address  again and repeat

Click Apply  button (lower right corner)


Voicemail Setup for Group Mail Boxes


Using web interface (CommPortal) to set up extension mail boxes:

  • Go to www.mhtc.net and click on CommPortal Icon (located towards bottom of page)
  • Enter your ten digit telephone number. (Contact MHTC @ 437-5551 or 930-9985 for password)
  • Click on settings to change account password and make a note of it.
  • Within the settings location – click on the group mailbox tab
  • Click on “New Mailbox” in lower left corner
  • Enter information it asks for to set up the extension mail box
  • Note PIN you choose. Note account password you choose.
  • Click apply in lower right corner of box when finished completing information
  • You will now see the extension listed: Make a note of the extension mail box numbers.
  • To add more extension mailboxes – click on “add new” in low left again and repeat above.
  • Note additional numbers, pins, passwords that you have chosen.

Recording your Main Voicemail greeting:

  • Dial #86 or 437-6600.  It will ask you “Who do you want to log in as?”
  • Login as 0  (When you hit zero it will ask you for your PIN)
  • Enter PIN. Follow prompts to set up acct and change PIN
  • Change your PIN (minimum 4 numbers and maximum 20).
  • Record name and a general greeting (press 1 for personal greeting) – (this is a short general/generic greeting someone will hear only if they hit 0)
  • Next you will work with your main greeting – to work with your greetings press 3
  • To work with your group mailbox greeting press 4 (this is the main greeting a caller will hear when they call into your main number)
  • Follow the prompts to record a greeting  (with multiple voicemail boxes – you will want to specify to callers the group boxes they have to choose from.  For example “press one for sales, press 2 for service, press 3 for Cindy, etc”)

Recording your individual group voicemail boxes:

  • Dial #86 or 437-6600.  It will ask you Who do you want to log in as?
  • Login as 1 or whatever voicemail box is yours.
  • Use the PIN that the administrator set up for you in CommPortal.
  • Press 3 and Follow Prompts to work with your individual greeting.  (this is the greeting a caller will hear when they choose your voicemail box.)

Using web interface (MHTC CommPortal) for your individual voicemail box:

  • Go to www.mhtc.net and click on MHTC CommPortal Icon (located towards bottom of page)
  • Enter your ten digit telephone number + your voicemail box number (for example 6085555555+1  or 6085555555+2) and use the password your administrator set up for you in CommPortal.
  • Click on settings to change account password.

Forwarding Voicemail Messages to an Email Address:

  • Within the CommPortal Interface – click on Settings (located in dark blue bar)
  • Click on the tab Messages
  • Click on Add An Email Address  (a box will appear to type the email address into)
  • Click Apply  button (lower right corner)
  • If you would like to have the message to go to multiple emails – click Add An Email Address  again and repeat
  • Click Apply  button (lower right corner)

Information on Using the web interface (CommPortal):

  • Login Anytime you like, using the main ten digit number and the password you chose above.
  • With this interface you will have control to: forward voicemails, listen to voicemails, change notification options, add additional call features to line, change your passwords, etc.